Culture and Religious Practices (English Aticle)

  1. Mun, C.Y., Fee, L.Y. : Settling down spiritually: Chinese Malaysian's worship of Datuk Gong
    (Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 22 (3)(2014))

    (Corresponding Author's Email Address:
  2. Angeline Wong Wei Wei, Shanthini Pillai and Ong Puay Liu: The golden era of the Malaysian film industry: Cross-cultural dialogue and negotiations of ethnicity in a budding nation
    (Kajian Malaysia, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2018)

    (Corresponding Author's Email Address:

Culture and Religious Practices (Chinese Article)

  1. 陈中和 : 马来西亚吉隆坡惠州会馆与广肇会馆关帝诞初探
    (八桂侨刊. 2019,(04))

    (Corresponding Author's Email Address:
  2. 陈爱梅 : 福州寺院的南洋印记——福州佛教与马来亚华人社会关系探析
    (华侨华人文献学刊. 2018,(01))

    (Corresponding Author's Email Address: